
Get to know
Alright, let's connect on a deeper level. Allow me to share a bit more about myself and what brings me to you. My journey into this space began 15 years ago, marked by numerous struggles and setbacks. Through these challenges, I embarked on a quest to discover more about myself and my purpose in this world. I didn't have all the answers, and for a long time, I felt like a lost soul. I experienced a failed marriage and hit rock bottom more than once. Those were undeniably tough times for me.
You've probably heard the saying that everyone's journey is unique, and for some, clarity comes early in life. Then there are others, like me, who navigate through the chaos until their mid-30s (chuckles). But you know what? I've come to realize that regardless of the timing, what truly matters is the journey itself. I never stopped learning, growing, and evolving as a person. Despite the setbacks, I persisted, continuously seeking my path forward. It was when I started tuning into my body and listening to my intuition that everything began to shift. That's when I experienced a breakthrough.